This week is a special week at epicnpoc!
epicnpoc celebrates its 2 years anniversary!
What an epic journey for us!
2 years since we launched our company with a common shared goal : Unlocking User Experience driven innovation through software.
- Thanks to the entire epicnpoc team for its constant dedication
- Thanks to our passionate interns for their involvement
- Thanks to our Customers who trust our competencies for their challenging projects
- Thanks to our Partners, such as Genaris Group who enlarge our field of possibilities
- Thanks to Mov’eo and Secured Communicating Solutions (SCS) CLUSTER for supporting us
- Thanks to the Business Pole Sophia Antipolis and the Incubateur Paca-Est for hosting and offering guidance to our young company
- Thanks to Le-square.paris and its tremendous eco-system
And thanks to all our relatives who have been supporting us in this adventure!
As we mentioned in our previous news, epicnpoc team has been active on R&D during the past two months, so stay tune for further announcements!
The Epic co-founder’s team!